Once people turn 65 they are required to sign up for Medicare Parts A and B plans, together known as Original Medicare. To get necessary coverage for drugs, seniors should also sign up for Part D. If they don’t at first, and sign up later, they can face a lifetime penalty for not doing so — and it increases the longer they wait to sign up.
They also have the option to sign up for a Medicare Advantage plan (Part C) or a Medicare Supplement plan.
While many of the services covered by Original Medicare come at a cost, some have no out-of-pocket costs on your part.
1. ‘Welcome to Medicare’ check-up
During the first 12 months of signing up for Medicare Part B, you’re entitled to a free “Welcome to Medicare” visit. This is not a full physical exam, but rather a chance for your doctor to review your medical history, check vital signs and discuss preventive care. You may also receive vaccines for flu, pneumonia or other conditions.
While this visit is free, additional tests may come with a cost, so be sure to ask what’s covered.
2. Yearly wellness visits
Each year, Medicare covers a wellness visit to help you stay on top of your health. This visit is different from a full physical exam.
Instead, your doctor will assess your risk for diseases, review your medications and update your personalized health plan. You can start scheduling these visits after your first 12 months on Medicare Part B.
3. Free vaccines
Medicare covers most vaccines at no cost under Part D prescription plans or Medicare Advantage plans. This includes vaccines for:
- Shingles
- Flu
- COVID-19
- Pneumonia
- Hepatitis B
- RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)
If you’re at high risk for complications, staying up to date on these shots is one of the best ways to protect yourself.
4. Alcohol counseling
If you drink alcohol but don’t have an alcohol use disorder, Medicare covers one free screening per year. If your doctor believes alcohol is affecting your health, you may qualify for up to four free counseling sessions a year.
5. Opioid use disorder treatment
Medicare fully covers opioid recovery programs that include counseling, drug screenings and overdose prevention training. If your treatment plan requires medication, however, your Part B deductible may apply.
6. Colon cancer screenings
Medicare offers several screening options for colorectal cancer:
- Annual fecal occult blood test (starting at age 45)
- Sigmoidoscopy every four years
- Stool DNA test every three years
- Colonoscopy every 10 years (or every two years if you’re at high risk)
These tests help detect colon cancer early, when it’s most treatable.
7. Free depression screenings
Medicare Part B covers one free depression screening per year at your doctor’s office. If follow-up treatment is needed, regular coinsurance and deductibles may apply.
8. Yearly mammograms
If you’re a woman over 40, Medicare fully covers one mammogram per year to screen for breast cancer. If an abnormality is found, diagnostic mammograms or breast ultrasounds may require a copay.
9. Diabetes screenings
Medicare fully covers two diabetes screenings per year if you have risk factors like:
- High blood pressure
- Family history of diabetes
- Being overweight
- Previous gestational diabetes
With 38 million Americans living with diabetes — many unknowingly — early detection is crucial.
10. Lung cancer screenings
If you’re 50 to 77 years old and have a history of smoking, Medicare covers one free low-dose CT scan per year to check for lung cancer. You must be symptom-free and have a doctor’s order for the screening.
11. Prostate cancer screenings
Men over 50 can get a free PSA (prostate-specific antigen) blood test each year. Prostate cancer is most common in men over 50, so regular screenings can help detect it early.
12. Nutrition counseling
If you have diabetes, kidney disease or have had a kidney transplant, Medicare covers medical nutrition therapy. This includes:
- A personalized nutrition plan
- Individual or group counseling sessions
- Follow-up visits with a doctor
13. Bone density tests
Medicare fully covers bone density scans every two years for those at risk of osteoporosis. You qualify if you:
- Are estrogen-deficient,
- Have X-ray results showing bone loss,
- Take steroid medications, or
- Have osteoporosis or a history of fractures.
Take advantage of these free benefits
Medicare offers many preventive services at no cost, but some Advantage plans may have different rules, so always check with your provider.
Taking advantage of these services can help detect diseases early and keep you healthier longer.